Important Notice
Although every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information given, the contents do not form part of any contract, or constitutes a representation or warranty, and, as such, should be treated as a guide only. Interested parties should check with the sales negotiator and confirm all details with their solicitor. The developer reserves the right to amend the specification, without prior notice, but to an equal or higher standard. Please note that items specified in literature and show home/s (if applicable) may depict appliances, fittings and decorative finishes that do not form part of the standard specification. The project is a new development which is currently under construction. Measurements provided have not been surveyed on site. The measurements have been taken from architectural plans, and, as such, may be subject to variation during the course of construction. Not all units described have been completed at the time of going to print and measurements and dimensions should be checked with the sales negotiator and confirmed with solicitors. All details correct at the time of going to print. House type images and street scenes are computer generated and for illustration purposes only.